MicroOS Remote Attestation with TPM and Keylime

8. Nov 2021 | Alberto Planas | No License


During 2021 we have been starting to focus more in security for MicroOS. By default MicroOS is a fairly secure distribution: during the development all the changes are publicly reviewed, fixes (including CVEs) are integrated first (or at the same time) in Tumbleweed, we have read-only root system and a tool to recover old snapshots, and periodically the security team audit some of the new components. Also, the move from AppArmor to SELinux should help to standardize the security management.

But we really want to rise the bar when it is possible. For example, we are starting to think on how to enable IMA/EVM properly in the distribution, or what alternatives we have for full disk encryption supported by a TPM. There are some evaluation on dm-verity inside the new Transactional Image Update installer.

Another area where we make progress in MicroOS is how to measure the health of our systems, detect remotely when an unauthorized change has been made (remote attestation), and actuate over it globally and as fast as possible.

TPM as a root of trust

Today all our devices (laptops, desktops, servers, phone or tablets) includes a cryptoprocessor known as TPM (from the initials Trusted Platform Module). Sometimes is inside the CPU, but can also be found soldered in the motherboard or implemented as a software in our firmware. Those co-processors are really cheap (and sadly slow), but very useful when we want to design software that requires a hardware based root of trust.

For example, imagine that we want to encrypt the disk but we do not want to be asked for the password at the beginning of the boot. We should need some trusted component that can provide the password very early in the boot process, and that the system can - somehow - validate that it is the real deal and not some other agent trying to impersonate it. A TPM provides mechanisms to do this validation, and if every this goes OK to unseal the password to the kernel so it can decrypt the disk.

This same role is required for many other operations, like accessing to a VPN that requires the validation of the combination machine / user. Because of how the TPMs are designed, they can generate keys that we can check that comes from this specific TPM and no other. This property is valuable to open the access to the internal network, for example.

Another activity where a root of trust is require is when we need to validate the health of our systems via measured boot.

Measured Boot and remote attestation

The general mechanism goes like this: during the boot process, a very early piece of the firmware takes care of initializing some hardware components and setting some clocks, and when is done, before delegating the execution to the next stage (maybe some early stage in the UEFI firmware), it will load in memory this next stage and will calculate a hash of it (like SHA256), and will communicate this information to some piece of hardware that we trust (the TPM in this case). This component can now delegate the boot process to this second stage, that will do the same operation when needs to move to the third stage (load, measure and communicate the measurement to the TPM), and this goes on until Grub2 enter in action and load the kernel.

If we do this we effectively have a measurement of every step in the bootloader chain, from the most early stage deep in the firmware until (and included) the kernel. This process is known “measured boot”. And the TPM have a record of all those measurements!

Actually I am lying (well, sort off, as we will see a bit later).

TPMs are cheap and do not have a lot of space inside, so the TPM by itself cannot have the full record of measurement. Inside the TPM we have some registers known as platform configuration registers (PCR) that have one feature: we can read them, but we cannot directly write on them. To change the value of a register we have an operation known as extension, that can be viewed as taking the current value of the register, attaching at the end the value of the hash that we want to extend with (in this case the measurement done), and calculating the hash of the full string (again, like SHA256). This new value calculated is the one that will be stored in the PCR instead.

This extend operation makes that the current value of the PCR depends on all the previous values of it and the values (measurements) used before. So in order to replicate a value we need to know the correct measurement of each stage of the boot chain (including the initial value of the PCR after the reset, that is usually 0x00..0).

The goal here is that once all is booted, the user can ask for those PCR values to the TPM via another operation named quote. This operation returns a report signed by a key that only the TPM knows, and that I can validate to see if, indeed, comes from my TPM or not. I can later compare the PCR values with the ones that I expect for my current version of UEFI, Grub2 and kernel. If they match I know for sure that the boot chain has not been tampered, and if do not match … well … we have been hacked (or we have an unauthorized updated somewhere that we need to check).

To be honest, comparing raw PCR values is hard. If we do not know all the measurements of our boot chain, they are impossible to predict.

This is why for each measurement, from the UEFI until the kernel, besides extending a PCR register in the TPM we are also storing in memory a log of all those measurements. We register (in the normal memory) some bits extra of information used during the measurement, like the PCR number and the value used for the extension. We can also see in the log some signatures found (and expected if we are using secure boot), text data (for example the kernel command line used in Grub2), etc.

This log will be passed between stages until it reaches the kernel, that will make is available to the user space via the security file system. This log is known as the event log.

Another point here is that we can now ask, remotely from a different machine, the current values of the PCRs via a quote to the TPM, and the full content of the event log. With this information we can attest remotely that the system has not been compromised during the boot process. Of course, this is known as remote attestation.


If we have a device with a TPM we can go to the BIOS / UEFI boot menu and activate it. After that, every boot of this system will be measured as described here, and we can do the attestation ourselves requesting a quote to TPM (via the tpm2.0-tool package in MicroOS) and comparing the values with the event log.

But this is cannot scale properly, we need a tool to help us doing this automatically.

Keylime is an open source project designed to do exactly what we need: do remote attestation of our devices, using a TPM as a root of trust of all the measurements.

In Keylime we have some services available. The agent is the service that needs to be installed in all of the nodes that we want to monitor. This service is responsible of collecting some data (TPM quotes, event log, IMA logs, etc) under demand.

This information is requested by another service known as verifier, that will validate this data based on some user provide information.

For example, it will check that the PCR values are the expected ones. It can also inspect the event log using an user provided policy (as a Python code) that will search for some signatures, will see the Grub menu used for booting and will compare some of the measurements that known of (like the kernel one, for example).

Also, if IMA is enabled in the remote node, it can validate the hashes of all the programs and services that we are running!

With Keylime we can deploy secrets to our nodes (like certificates or keys), and we can execute user-defined actions when we detect an unauthorized change in our nodes.

For example, if Keylime detect the execution of a program with a different IMA hash that the one expected, we can execute a program that will try to isolate this node from their peers, and will revoke any access to the shared resources in the network, like databases.

The good news is that Keylime has been integrated in MicroOS via two new system roles in YaST. During the installation we can see know two new roles, one should be used for the nodes that we want to monitor (agent role), and the other for the node that will take care of collecting the information of the agents, doing the verification and triggering the revocation actions when required (verifier role).

Those roles make very easy to start doing remote attestation in MicroOS today and the process is fully documented.

More information!

We documented all this information (and more) in the MicroOS portal. There you can find a more technical description, including how to configure the agent services in order that they can find the verifier, how to enable IMA in the nodes and prepare a white list of hashes, and how to write programs that can acts when an intrusion has been detected.

There is also some more details about the TPM and how to check if they are present in the system and recognized by MicroOS.

Also recently we had the SUSE Labs 2021 conference, and all the videos has been published recently, including a talk about Keylime and TPM in the context of MicroOS that you can check. In the proceedings of this conference there is also a paper that can be useful to complement this topic!

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